Peer Pressure is...

    Well firstly, before we discuss peer pressure we should establish who you're peers are. Peers include your friends and people your age. As children grow into teenagers, it is known that teens start to spend less time at home and more time with their friends in a school setting or an out of school setting. The school setting involves the school day itself, and any clubs, extracurricular activities, or sports that teens are involved in. Out of school settings include hanging out with friends at the movies, going out to dinner, goiing to parties, etc. Some of those peers that teens spend a lot of time with, turn into the best friends that they are practically family. The people that you just go to school with and never talk to are your peers as well. 

    Now that we established who your peers are the next key thing to know is the different types of peer pressure.  Their are multiple types of peer pressure that are both GOOD and BAD.
Good Peer Pressure  includes:
   - Encouragement to do better in school
   - Joining productive school activities
   -  Competition that encourages want to become better at something
 Bad Peer Pressure includes:
   - Encouragement to skip clas or school
   - Pressuring to drink alcohol or do drugs
   - Giving someone a guilt trip to do their activity instead of something productive
   - Social status peer pressure